Tuesday 26 November 2013

Revise Like A Pro.

Recently, I've had quite a few exams and I've come to realise that I am the worst procrastinator when it comes to important things. Therefore, I made a little plan to keep myself from procrastination and thought I'd share it with any of you having similar issues.

So, firstly, get yourself some 'revision supplies' (snacks) to keep yourself from going hungry. I chose these-
Before you start any revising, do any urgent jobs/tasks/things that will distract you whilst trying to revise. This includes things such as tidying your room, washing pots, showering etc. 

Clear a space for you to revise; make sure you're comfortable and will be able to concentrate. If you're sat at a desk, make sure you won't get restless sat on a chair and, if you're sat on your bed, make sure you don't get too comfortable and fall asleep.

Make sure to tell people who may distract you (friends and family) that you're revising so they can leave you alone and try and keep their noise to a minimum. 

Unless you really need it, turn your phone off to keep you from going on Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter etc. You can give yourself small breaks every so often so you can go on these for half an hour or so. Only do this if you know that you will definitely be able to go back revising and not sit on the internet, accidentally, for hours.

Last of all, don't over-do it. If you're getting worked up and stressed, staying up until stupid hours of the morning trying to remember everything, have a few hours to yourself to just relax and not think about it. If, like me, you like to revise at the last minute and end up panicking over it, just take yourself away from it all for an hour or two and have a bath; whatever calms you down. 

I hope this has helped you in some way. This is a bit different to my usual posts because, not going to lie to you, I'm being lazy. I have some beauty posts planned but it's my birthday at the end of this week (yes, I'm playing the 'Birthday Week' card) so I'm taking a break. I'll be back soon though with some better blogposts. 

Ciao For Now

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