Sunday 15 September 2013

Remember, Remember, The Fangirls Of November

For fangirls like me, and because of a few other personal events, November is a huge month. It’s completely filled with so many events that I've had to type them into the notes app on my phone; there’s not enough room on my calendar. If the 3-year wait for Series 3 of Sherlock left me in a near-death state, the events of this month will definitely be the cause of my death.

Kicking off the eventful month is Bonfire Night, of course. I don’t particularly like Bonfire Night, I'm a huge baby when it comes to loud noises and fireworks are the worst of all. Since I moved into an attic bedroom at the beginning of this year, I imagine that the loud bangs of them will sound even louder. On the plus side, parkin cake and toffee apples are always a necessity during the Bonfire Night festivities, yum.

Unfortunately, the day after Bonfire Night, I have my first GCSE maths exams. I’m looking forward to getting these out of the way.

The excitement of November picks up again for me on 17th November, I'm going to see Vampire Weekend with one of my best friends. She asked me to go earlier on this year but, although I knew a few of their songs, I didn't really know who they were; I've only very recently started liking the band properly. Now that I know a lot more of their songs, I'm really excited.

22nd of November is next on the list: the worldwide release of Catching Fire, the second film of The Hunger Games book trilogy. Eeeeep! I absolutely adore The Hunger Games books; dystopian is probably my favourite book genre. The casting for Catching Fire is, overall, not too bad; I have taken a strong liking to the actor playing Finnick (he has a lovely face). I've watched the trailer so many times now and each time I get more and more enthusiastic about it. I’ll admit, I did watch The Hunger Games before I read it but, personally, I don’t think this matters. I hate it when people get annoyed at somebody because they watched the film of a book before reading it, why does it matter? If you haven’t seen the trailer for Catching Fire yet, you can click here to go and watch it.

Oh my word. Doctor Who – The 50th Anniversary episode, The Day of The Doctor, on 23rd of November, I'm probably going to sob my heart out. I can’t wait for David Tennant to come back (even if it is just for one episode), he’s my favourite (and my first) Doctor. This episode is followed by the ‘Christmas Special’ where The 11th Doctor reincarnates into The 12th. I cannot believe Matt Smith is leaving, I'm heartbroken. I've only just gotten used to him. I was so upset about letting David Tennant go and then as soon as I finally come around to getting used to Matt Smith and his even crazier ways, they have to smash my heart into a million pieces again. “Merry Christmas Whovians, we’re killing off 11!” If I'm even still alive and functioning after November, I am going to flood the world with my tears when I watch this. The 12th Doctor, Peter Capaldi, seems like he will be a lot more serious and sinister. I have a feeling he’s going to be very hard to get used to; I don’t think he will be as eccentric as the 10th or 11th Doctor. 

Pre-ordered and ready to be delivered on 25th of November is, *queue the tears*, One Direction’s third album, Midnight Memories. This is the first album of many from the predominantly non-teenage version One Direction (with the exception of Harry). Yes, as shocking as everyone I tell seems to find it, I'm a huge One Direction fan and have been since 2010. I'm known for liking bands and artists such as Mumford and Sons, Arctic Monkeys (who I'm going to see in October), Jake Bugg etc. but One Direction have a very special place in my heart. All of my best friends (with the exception of Annabel… I think) don’t agree with this specific choice of boyband but they've learnt to humour me whenever I decide to have a spurt of One Direction fangirly-ness by giving me a small laugh followed, usually, by an eye-roll.

It has been rumoured that Series 3 of Sherlock, which we have all been (not so patiently) waiting for, is due to air around October or November (this is what I've heard anyway). So I thought it would only be right to add this in, even if the rumours aren't true. Although, I will probably cry (depending on if I have any tears left at this point) if these rumours turn out to be false. WE'VE DONE OUR WAITING; GIVE US SOME DAMN JOHNLOCK MOFFATT!

Concluding this oh-so eventful month is my birthday! This is on the last day of November (30th) and this year it’s on a Saturday, woohoo! I do love my birthday but it’s so near to Christmas that I always forget about it. Christmas is a big deal for me, I just really love everything about it: Manchester Christmas Markets, all the good Christmas food, present shopping, secret Santa with my friends, decorating the Christmas tree, Advent calendars, need I go on?

I did say that I’d be updating weekly, I've already posted something this week, but I wrote this a few days ago and just decided to put it up today; I was quite excited about it. I have so many blog post ideas based on Autumn and Winter-based events so I will probably be uploading twice a week quite a lot.

Ciao for now

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