Sunday 29 September 2013

Crazy Cat Lady

I have many obsessions. Some of which are bigger than others; one of my bigger obsessions, if you haven't guessed already by the title of this post, is my cat obsession.  Today, I've decided to use some of the many many pictures I take of my two favourite cats; I think it's about time I mention them on my blog, I imagine they will appear on here quite frequently. Plus, I've managed to get some really great pictures of them in the past so I thought I'd show them to you. I adore most animals but cats just win at everything ever. They make the best noises, have the cutest ears, the most beautiful eyes, they always land on their feet, their toes look like beans... I think I've made my point, yes?

I'm pretty sure that cats are one of the main reasons why one of my best friends, Shay, and I get along so well.

I have a cat named Leo. He's getting quite old now, I think he's 7/8 years old (in human years) and I'm definitely his favourite human. This is probably because, like me, he loves food, being warm, cuddles (but only occasionally) and my bed...

We were meant for each other. 

The other day, whilst my Mum decided to torment a sunbathing, peaceful-looking Leo in the garden with a twig, I took a few (well... maybe more than a few) pictures of him. Out of the huge number of photos that I'd taken, I managed to capture him looking like a crazed ninja...
I am so utterly amazed and proud of this picture, I didn't think he was capable of doing such a pose!

One thing Leo doesn't enjoy is when I come home from my Grandma's house where OJ (pronounced 'odge', like 'dodge') lives. He pads over to me as soon as I come home and sniffs around my legs for a while before turning his nose up at me and walking away. These are the nights where I get a bed to myself... But he soon forgives me for my betrayal the next day when I feed him.

OJ is my second favourite feline. He isn't quite as characteristic as Leo but he's still cute and very chubby (chubby cats are great). The thing I love the most about him is that he lets me take some really great photos of him:

He absolutely loves any kind of attention. These pictures make me chuckle; this cat is more photogenic than I am! 

So, that's it for today. This is a pretty rubbish post but I do have a lot of fun ones planned, they're just taking a while to put together; you'll see soon enough! 

Side Note-
I haven't posted many beauty/fashion posts yet (well, I've only posted one so far actually!) and for this, I apologise. I do have beauty/fashion posts planned but there's so many fun and festive events coming up that have given me some really good ideas for my blog. I'm also holding back slightly with beauty/fashion posts because I just don't think they will look very good at the moment; I think that pictures are a big part of these particular types of blog posts and, as I've rambled on about in a previous post (this one), I'm saving for a DSLR camera so I'm relying on my iPhone for pictures. I will do beauty/fashion-based posts whilst I'm still saving but they won't be as frequent. This doesn't mean, however, that I won't be blogging in general very frequently: as I've already mentioned, I have some non-beauty posts planned for the upcoming months that I am very excited about.

Hmm, that wasn't meant to be a ramble.I was going to call it a 'little' side note but it was a few sentences too long to be deemed 'little'. Funny how a few sentences can soon turn into a paragraph... Whoops. 

Ciao for now

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